
It has begun

So this morning Pie goes off to her first day of school. I wake up pretty early because the traffic here is extremely bad when school is in progress. There are at least half a dozen schools in close proximity to each other and Pie's new school is no exception.

Well she was excited until she realized her dad & I weren't staying and she proceeded to gather her backpack & lunch bag, and stated firmly "Mommy I'm coming wit you!". It was all heartbreaking from then on. We had to quickly leave our 'crying up a storm' baby in the arms of her new teacher and continue to work. I know she will be fine but that didn't stop me from tearing up a little. Seeing my daughter reach this phase in her life that just seemed to creep up way too quickly. Seeing her little body in the uniform like I use to wear years before (they haven't changed the style at all) and knowing she'll love it as much as I did:)

I can't wait til school's over so I can pick her up & hear all about it!
Pumkin pie
(no pics in uniform will be posted for privacy purposes)

1 comment:

  1. I love you baby. You are such a beautiful blessing to me:)


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