
For Good

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren." Romans 8 vs. 28-29

This portion of scripture speaks to me that every heartache, trial or adversity I go through will build me into the character God has called me to be; because I love Jesus and I am committed to serving Him no matter what.
That at the end if I'm receptive to what He's trying to teach me in every situation, then I'll be more like Jesus than I ever was before. His lessons come out of even situations that I disobediently got myself into in the first place, and they are to help me have as fulfilling a life as possible in Him. Fulfilling as in a meaningful and complete life in the Lord. Where I go to Him before anything and anyone else; a life filled with episode after episode of His glory.

Be desperate for God and nothing else!! Not for love, not for security, not more children, not a more loving husband, not for material gifts, not for wealth or health. But for God. I am learning to seek Him desperately and I find that 'all things are working for good according to His purpose'. It doesn't mean everything is great but whatever His purpose is in my life at that moment helps me to see more of His character and to follow it. I am learning to love the Lord and depend on Him for everything. I see His great love for me through all His blessings and provisions. Even when bills are just barely paid, they get paid! He's showing my husband how to love me and me how to love my husband. I'm experiencing a peace that is indescribable but lovely. It doesn't escape me but remains in my heart when trouble comes.

My Heavenly Father wants me now at this point in my life to take the time to know Him, just as how He knows me, for myself in studying and meditating on His word; And when I pray listen more to what He's trying to say to me.

Seek and ye shall find.. I am seeking and finding out more about Him each day.


  1. Wow, this is a great post! Thanks for sharing!
    I also need to really commit to spending time in God's word and really get to know Him. I read something recently. It said something like ""God doesn't tell us what to do, He shows us WHO He IS." I'll have to look it up again, i'm not sure if i'm remembering it right.

  2. Thanks Melissa, it's always good to spend more time in His word. The same scripture can show me so many different things at different times in my life. Our God has a Big personality, to know Him well is to know His will for us.


Thanks for your comments may God richly bless you:)