
I am not afraid

"Be bold, be strong! For the Lord our God is with you!
Be bold, be strong! For the Lord our God is with you!
I am not afraid, I am not ashamed!
I'm gonna walk in Faith and Victory...
Walk in Faith and Victory!
For the Lord our God is with you!"

This is the chorus the Lord used to encourage my heart this morning. Yesterday had not been a successful day at work. It's becoming more stressful lately and I am daily counting down til December 11 when I'm off for vacation. Last night my heart was burdened and I needed to talk to somebody, Pookie went to sleep minutes after I got home, I will never burden little Pie's heart with things she won't understand and in Jamaica free calls on my cell only come on after 11 at night when I hope not to be still awake and I don't have or want a landline at home. So who to talk to but God? He's usually my first go-to and He should always be but I thought I was very much in need of physical contact and sympathy.
So when it wasn't satisfied, I woke up kind of dismayed, I seriously toyed with the idea of calling in sick to work but that would never make my problems disappear only intensify and delay it a little.
As I sat in my chair with Pie curled up in my lap, watching the sun rise this morning, feeling that nice crisp chill that we get here that says Christmas is near, not enjoying it (which is unusual for me) the chorus starts softly in my heart. Then it grows louder and louder until my voice starts echoing it and Pie starts to sing along with her mommy. My spirit lifts and I can go on with my day.

Psalm 103 verse 13-14- "Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.
For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust."
My God remembers I am only human and he feels sorry for me. He knows my human instincts are first to give up and give in and I need His encouragement. I see a new side of Him everyday and it is humbling to know the Great Creator cares about a bad day or two in my life.

1 comment:

  1. I love how faithfully patient our Father is with us. Praying BLESSINGS and encouragement for you and that God be the lifter of your head!

    You are strong in HIM! God bless!



Thanks for your comments may God richly bless you:)